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Index of Illustrations (Parables)

Index of Illustrations (Parables)

Numbers indicate chapters.

birds and lilies 35

building a tower 84

camel through needle’s eye 96

children in marketplace 39

choosing most prominent place 83

cultivators kill owner’s son 106

denarius paid to workers 97

drachma found 85

dragnet 43

faithful and discreet slave 111

faithful steward 78

father’s willingness to give 35

fig tree 79

Fine Shepherd 80

fishers of men 22

foundation of house 35

grain of wheat dies, then produces 103

hen gathers her chicks 110

house built on rock 35

inviting the poor to a feast 83

king cancels a large debt 64

king considering battle 84

king’s marriage feast 107

leaven mixed in flour 43

leaven of the Pharisees 58

lost drachma 85

lost sheep 63

meal invitations declined 83

minas 100

murderous cultivators 106

mustard grain, faith 89

mustard grain, Kingdom 43

narrow gate 35

needle’s eye 96

neighborly Samaritan 73

new wine, old wineskins 28

pearl of high value 43

pearls before swine 35

persistent friend 74

prodigal son 86

putting hand to plow 65

rich man and Lazarus 88

rich man who built storehouses 77

salt of the earth 35

seeds on various soils 43

sewing new cloth on old garment 28

sheep and goats 114

slave coming in from field 89

slaves watching for master’s return 78

son who was lost 86

sower 43

sower who sleeps 43

strain out gnat, swallow camel 109

straw in brother’s eye 35

talents 113

tax collector and Pharisee 94

ten virgins 112

treasure hidden in field 43

true vine 120

two children sent to vineyard 106

two debtors 40

unclean spirit returns 42

unforgiving slave 64

unrighteous steward 87

wheat and weeds 43

widow and judge 94

workers in the vineyard 97


“The Time Came for Purifying Them” 6

Joyful Trips 10

Who Were the Samaritans? 19

Demon Possession 23

Illustrations About Fasting 28

Teaching by Repetition 35

His Sweat Is as Drops of Blood 123

The Field of Blood 127

Scourging 129

“To the Stake” 132