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The Twelve Apostles—Do You Know Them?

The Twelve Apostles—Do You Know Them?


  1. 1. When Jesus was on earth, he had some very special friends.

    They were called apostles, and there were twelve of them.

    They were there when Jesus healed the sick, the blind, the deaf, and lame.

    Now let’s try to remember all twelve of them by name.


    There was Peter, James, John, Andrew,

    Philip, Thomas, Judas, Matthew,

    The other James, Simon, and Thaddaeus,

    And don’t forget Bartholomew.

  2. 2. They were men who spent their time with Jesus preaching.

    They were working hard to listen to Jesus’ teachings.

    But one of them disobeyed; he did not keep his faith.

    Now let’s try to remember all twelve of them by name.


    There was Peter, James, John, Andrew,

    Philip, Thomas, Judas, Matthew,

    The other James, Simon, and Thaddaeus,

    And don’t forget Bartholomew.