MAY 12, 2023
One Hundred Years of The Watchtower in the Czech Language
The summer of 2023 marks 100 years since The Watchtower was first published in the Czech language. When the translation work began in 1923, there were only 30 brothers and sisters in all of Czechoslovakia. Today, there are over 16,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses actively preaching in the Czech Republic.
While the translators have faced various challenges during the past 100 years, the four decades that Czechoslovakia was under Communist rule, from 1948 to 1989, stand out as particularly challenging. During that time, The Watchtower had to be translated and printed in secret. The identities of the translators, proofreaders, and printers were not publicly known. However, those who shared in the translation work saw their faith strengthened. Sister Jarmila Hálová, who translated The Watchtower into the Czech language for many years, reflected: “I know with complete confidence that Jehovah lovingly cares for his servants, and our literature is proof of that. Therefore, I greatly appreciate the fact that I could play a part in its translation. I have the most beautiful memories of that time, and I feel that the work uniquely enriched my life.”
At present, there are over 20 brothers and sisters who translate our Bible-based publications and videos into Czech and Czech Sign Language. The translators work in two remote translation offices located in Havířov and Horní Bludovice.
We are very grateful for the spiritual food that Jehovah has provided through the Czech Watchtower for the past 100 years!—Proverbs 10:22.