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Brother Mark Sanderson presents a hard copy of the Bible releases in Kwangali, Sepulana, and Setswana

MARCH 10, 2021

Three Bibles Released in South Africa

Three Bibles Released in South Africa

In South Africa, publishers who speak Kwangali, Sepulana, and Setswana received a special gift on March 7, 2021. In a prerecorded talk, Brother Mark Sanderson of the Governing Body released the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Kwangali and Sepulana and the revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in Setswana. Publishers tied in to the special program via videoconference, and the Bibles were made available in digital format.


The team of three translators completed the translation in two years. The over 240 publishers in this language field now have an easy-to-read translation to enhance their personal study and ministry.


Six translators assisted with this project, which took about a year and a half to complete. There are 374 Sepulana-speaking publishers in South Africa.

One translator said: “When engaging in the public ministry, we often used a Sepedi translation. However, before explaining a scripture, we first had to explain or translate a word or two from the verse to an interested person. Now, with this translation, you can read it once and it goes straight to the heart.”


This revision project took about four years to complete. A total of six translators worked on the project. Over 5,600 publishers serve in the Setswana-language field.

Regarding the New World Translation in Setswana, one translator expressed: “This will help publishers to focus on improving their skills in the ministry rather than on explaining difficult words. It will also be an effective study tool. The charts, maps, pictures, and glossary will help publishers to visualize Bible accounts.”

These Bible releases will assist our brothers and sisters and those to whom they preach to satisfy their spiritual need. We truly appreciate the abundance of spiritual food that we have today.—Isaiah 65:13.