According to Luke 17:1-37

17  Then he said to his disciples: “It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come!+  It would be more advantageous for him if a millstone were hung from his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to stumble one of these little ones.+  Pay attention to yourselves. If your brother commits a sin, rebuke him,+ and if he repents, forgive him.+  Even if he sins seven times a day against you and he comes back to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”+  Now the apostles said to the Lord: “Give us more faith.”+  Then the Lord said: “If you had faith the size of a mustard grain, you would say to this black mulberry tree,* ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea!’ and it would obey you.+  “Which one of you who has a slave plowing or shepherding would say to him when he comes in from the field, ‘Come here at once and dine at the table’?  Rather, will he not say to him, ‘Get something ready for me to have my evening meal, and put on an apron and serve me until I finish eating and drinking, and afterward you can eat and drink’?  He will not feel gratitude to the slave because he did what was assigned, will he? 10  Likewise, when you have done all the things assigned to you, say: ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.’”+ 11  While he was going to Jerusalem, he was passing between Sa·marʹi·a and Galʹi·lee. 12  And as he was entering a village, ten men with leprosy met him, but they stood at a distance.+ 13  And they raised their voices and said: “Jesus, Instructor, have mercy on us!” 14  When he saw them, he said to them: “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”+ Then as they were going off, they were cleansed.+ 15  One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice. 16  And he fell facedown at Jesus’ feet, thanking him. Furthermore, he was a Sa·marʹi·tan.+ 17  In reply Jesus said: “All ten were cleansed, were they not? Where, then, are the other nine? 18  Did no one else turn back to give glory to God except this man of another nation?” 19  Then he said to him: “Get up and be on your way; your faith has made you well.”*+ 20  On being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming,+ he answered them: “The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness; 21  nor will people say, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For look! the Kingdom of God is in your midst.”+ 22  Then he said to the disciples: “Days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, but you will not see it.+ 23  And people will say to you, ‘See there!’ or, ‘See here!’ Do not go out or chase after them.+ 24  For just as lightning flashes from one part of heaven to another part of heaven, so the Son of man+ will be in his day.+ 25  First, however, he must undergo many sufferings and be rejected by this generation.+ 26  Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah,+ so it will be in the days of the Son of man:+ 27  they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage until that day when Noah entered into the ark,+ and the Flood came and destroyed them all.+ 28  Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot:+ they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. 29  But on the day that Lot went out of Sodʹom, it rained fire and sulfur from heaven and destroyed them all.+ 30  It will be the same on that day when the Son of man is revealed.+ 31  “On that day let the person who is on the housetop but whose belongings are in the house not come down to pick these up, and likewise, the person out in the field must not return to the things behind.+ 32  Remember the wife of Lot.+ 33  Whoever seeks to keep his life safe will lose it, but whoever loses it will preserve it alive.+ 34  I tell you, in that night two people will be in one bed; the one will be taken along, but the other will be abandoned.+ 35  There will be two women grinding at the same mill; the one will be taken along, but the other will be abandoned.” 36  —— 37  So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the body is, there also the eagles will be gathered together.”+


Or “this sycamine tree.”
Or “has saved you.”

Study Notes

causes for stumbling: Or “stumbling blocks.” The original meaning of the Greek word skanʹda·lon is thought to have referred to a trap; some suggest that it was the stick in the trap to which bait was attached. By extension, the word came to refer to any impediment that would cause one to stumble or fall. In a figurative sense, it refers to an action or a circumstance that leads a person to follow an improper course, to stumble or fall morally, or to fall into sin. At Lu 17:2, the related verb skan·da·liʹzo, translated “stumble,” could also be rendered “become a snare to; cause to sin.”

seven times a day: This expression may have reminded Peter of the answer Jesus gave on an earlier occasion. Peter had asked Jesus how many times someone should forgive a brother. In that instance, Jesus replied: “Up to 77 times.” (See study note on Mt 18:22.) Neither of Jesus’ comments should be taken literally. “Seven times” here conveys the idea of an indefinite number of times. (Compare the expression “seven times a day” at Ps 119:164, which conveys the idea of repeatedly, constantly, always.) A Christian might sin against his brother seven times in a single day and repent seven times. If on being rebuked he is repentant, the sinner is to be forgiven every time. In those circumstances, forgiveness is to be extended indefinitely, or without limit.​—Lu 17:3.

the size of a mustard grain: Or “as small as a mustard seed.”​—See study note on Lu 13:19.

black mulberry tree: Or “sycamine tree.” This tree is mentioned only once in the Bible. The Greek word used was regularly applied to the mulberry tree, and the black mulberry (Morus nigra) is commonly cultivated in Israel. It is a sturdy tree that grows to a height of about 6 m (20 ft), with large heart-shaped leaves and dark-red or black fruit resembling the blackberry. This tree is known for having an extensive root system, thus requiring great effort to uproot.

put on an apron: The Greek word pe·ri·zonʹny·mai, rendered “put on an apron,” literally means “gird oneself about,” that is, to bind on an apron or to tighten the garments, often with a belt, in order to be prepared for service. In this context, the Greek word could also be rendered “get dressed and ready to serve.” The Greek word occurs at Lu 12:35, 37 and Eph 6:14.​—See study notes on Lu 12:35, 37.

good-for-nothing: Lit., “useless; worthless.” The point of Jesus’ illustration is not that the slaves, his disciples, are to consider themselves useless or worthless. According to the context, “good-for-nothing” conveys the idea that the slaves would view themselves modestly, not as deserving special credit or praise. Some scholars consider the term as it is used here to be hyperbole meaning “we are merely slaves deserving no special attention.”

While he was going to Jerusalem . . . passing between Samaria and Galilee: The final destination of this journey was Jerusalem, but Jesus first traveled N from the city of Ephraim through Samaria and Galilee (probably its southern part) to Perea. During this trip, while Jesus was entering a village either in Samaria or in Galilee, he was met by ten men who had leprosy. (Lu 17:12) This visit to Galilee was his last one prior to his death.​—Joh 11:54; see App. A7.

ten men with leprosy: In Bible times, lepers evidently congregated together or lived in groups, making it possible for them to help one another. (2Ki 7:3-5) God’s Law required that lepers live in isolation. A leper was also to warn others of his presence by calling out: “Unclean, unclean!” (Le 13:45, 46) In line with what the Law prescribed, the lepers stood at a distance from Jesus.​—See study note on Mt 8:2 and Glossary, “Leprosy; Leper.”

show yourselves to the priests: Jesus Christ, being under the Law while on earth, recognized the Aaronic priesthood as being in force, and he directed ones whom he cured of leprosy to go to the priest. (Mt 8:4; Mr 1:44) In accord with the Mosaic Law, a priest had to verify that a leper was healed. The cured leper had to travel to the temple and bring as an offering, or gift, two live clean birds, cedarwood, scarlet material, and hyssop.​—Le 14:2-32.

they were cleansed: This healing of the ten lepers by Jesus is reported by Luke alone.

with striking observableness: The Greek expression used here occurs only once in the Christian Greek Scriptures and is derived from a verb meaning “to watch closely; to observe.” According to some scholars, medical writers used this expression when they described watching the symptoms of disease. The way the word is used here seems to convey the idea that the Kingdom of God is not coming in a way that is obvious to all.

is in your midst: Or “is among you.” The pronoun “you” is plural in the original Greek and obviously refers to the Pharisees, to whom Jesus was speaking. (Lu 17:20; compare Mt 23:13.) Jesus was God’s royal representative, the one anointed by God for the kingship; hence, it could be said that “the Kingdom” was in their midst. Not only was he present in this capacity but he also had authority to perform works manifesting God’s kingly power and to prepare candidates for positions within his coming Kingdom.​—Lu 22:29-30.

just as lightning flashes: Jesus’ presence was to resemble lightning in that the evidence of his presence in Kingdom power would be clearly visible to all attentive onlookers.

so the Son of man will be in his day: Or possibly, “so the Son of man will be.” Some ancient manuscripts use the shorter reading, whereas other ancient manuscripts use this reading in the main text, as do many Bible translations.

the days of Noah: In the Bible, the term “day(s) of” is sometimes used with reference to the time period of a particular person. (Isa 1:1; Jer 1:2, 3; Lu 17:28) Here “the days of Noah” are compared to the days of the Son of man. In a similar statement recorded at Mt 24:37, the term “the presence of the Son of man” is used. Jesus does not limit the comparison just to the coming of the Flood as a final climax during Noah’s days, though he shows that his “days” or “presence” will see a similar climax. “The days of Noah” actually covered a period of years, so there is basis for believing that the foretold “days [or, “presence”] of the Son of man” would likewise cover a period of years, being climaxed by the destruction of those who do not seek deliverance.​—See study note on Mt 24:3.

ark: See study note on Mt 24:38.

Flood: Or “deluge; cataclysm.” The Greek word ka·ta·kly·smosʹ denotes a large flood with destructive force, and the Bible uses the word with reference to the Deluge of Noah’s day.​—Ge 6:17, Septuagint; Mt 24:38, 39; 2Pe 2:5.

on the housetop: The roofs of houses were flat and were used for many purposes, including storage (Jos 2:6), rest (2Sa 11:2), sleep (1Sa 9:26), and festivals for worship (Ne 8:16-18). That is why a parapet was required. (De 22:8) Generally, an external stairway or ladder allowed a householder to leave the rooftop without having to enter the house, which helps us understand how a person could heed Jesus’ warning and shows how urgent the situation would be.

life: Or “soul.”​—See Glossary, “Soul.”

be taken along: The Greek term rendered “taken along” is used in different contexts, often in a positive sense. For instance, at Mt 1:20, it is rendered “take . . . home”; at Mt 17:1, “took . . . along”; and at Joh 14:3, “receive . . . home.” In this context, it evidently refers to receiving a favorable standing with the “Lord” and being saved. (Lu 17:37) It may also correspond to Noah’s being taken into the ark on the day of the Flood and to Lot’s being taken by the hand and led out of Sodom. (Lu 17:26-29) To be abandoned would then mean to be judged worthy of destruction.

A few ancient manuscripts here include the words: “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken along, and the other will be abandoned.” However, these words do not appear in the earliest and most reliable manuscripts and are evidently not part of the original text of Luke. Similar words, though, can be found at Mt 24:40 as part of the inspired text. Some scholars are of the opinion that a copyist inserted the words from Matthew’s account into Luke’s account.​—See App. A3.


Upper and Lower Millstones
Upper and Lower Millstones

A large millstone like the one depicted here would be turned by a domestic animal, such as a donkey, and be used to grind grain or crush olives. An upper millstone might be as much as 1.5 m (5 ft) in diameter and would be turned on an even larger lower stone.

Black Mulberry Tree
Black Mulberry Tree

Also called the sycamine, the black mulberry (Morus nigra) is mentioned only once, in Jesus’ statement to the apostles about their faith. (Lu 17:5, 6) The Greek word used was regularly applied to the mulberry tree, and the black mulberry is commonly cultivated in Israel. It is a sturdy tree that grows to a height of about 6 m (20 ft) with large heart-shaped leaves and dark-red or black fruit resembling the blackberry.