According to Mark 8:1-38

8  In those days, there was again a large crowd, and they had nothing to eat. So he summoned the disciples and said to them:  “I feel pity for the crowd,+ because they have already stayed with me for three days and they have nothing to eat.+  If I send them off to their homes hungry,* they will give out on the road, and some of them are from far away.”  But his disciples answered him: “From where will anyone get enough bread in this isolated place to satisfy these people?”  At this he asked them: “How many loaves do you have?” They said: “Seven.”+  And he instructed the crowd to recline on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves, gave thanks, broke them, and began giving them to his disciples to serve, and they served them to the crowd.+  They also had a few small fish, and blessing these, he told them to serve these also.  So they ate and were satisfied, and they took up seven large baskets full of leftover fragments.+  Now there were about 4,000 men. Then he sent them away. 10  Immediately he boarded the boat with his disciples and came into the region of Dal·ma·nuʹtha.+ 11  Here the Pharisees came and started disputing with him, demanding from him a sign* from heaven, to put him to the test.+ 12  So he sighed deeply in his spirit and said: “Why does this generation seek a sign?+ Truly I say, no sign will be given to this generation.”+ 13  With that he left them, got aboard again, and went to the opposite shore. 14  However, they forgot to take bread along, and they had nothing with them in the boat except for one loaf.+ 15  And he warned them in no uncertain terms: “Keep your eyes open; look out for the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”+ 16  So they began arguing with one another over the fact that they had no bread. 17  Noting this, he said to them: “Why do you argue over your having no bread? Do you not yet perceive and understand? Are your hearts still dull in understanding? 18  ‘Though having eyes, do you not see; and though having ears, do you not hear?’ Do you not remember 19  when I broke the five loaves+ for the 5,000 men, how many baskets full of fragments you collected?” They said to him: “Twelve.”+ 20  “When I broke the seven loaves for the 4,000 men, how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up?” And they said to him: “Seven.”+ 21  With that he said to them: “Do you not yet understand?” 22  Now they put in at Beth·saʹi·da. Here people brought him a blind man, and they pleaded with him to touch him.+ 23  And he took the blind man by the hand and brought him outside the village. After spitting on his eyes,+ he laid his hands on him and asked him: “Do you see anything?” 24  The man looked up* and said: “I see people, but they look like trees walking about.” 25  Again he laid his hands on the man’s eyes, and the man saw clearly. His sight was restored, and he could see everything distinctly. 26  So he sent him home, saying: “Do not enter into the village.” 27  Jesus and his disciples now left for the villages of Caes·a·reʹa Phi·lipʹpi, and on the way he began to question his disciples, saying: “Who are people saying that I am?”+ 28  They said to him: “John the Baptist,+ but others say E·liʹjah,+ and still others, one of the prophets.” 29  And he put the question to them: “You, though, who do you say I am?” Peter answered him: “You are the Christ.”+ 30  At that he strictly ordered them not to tell anyone about him.+ 31  Also, he began teaching them that the Son of man must undergo many sufferings and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed,+ and rise three days later.+ 32  Indeed, he was making that statement openly. But Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.+ 33  At this he turned, looked at his disciples, and rebuked Peter, saying: “Get behind me, Satan! because you think, not God’s thoughts, but those of men.”*+ 34  He now called the crowd to him with his disciples and said to them: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and keep following me.+ 35  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and for the sake of the good news will save it.+ 36  Really, what good will it do a man to gain the whole world and to lose his life?+ 37  What, really, would a man give in exchange for his life?+ 38  For whoever becomes ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him+ when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”+


Or “without food; fasting.”
Or “miraculous proof.”
Or “recovered sight; saw again.”
Or “you have, not God’s mind, but that of humans.”

Study Notes

feel pity: Or “feel compassion.”​—See study note on Mt 9:36.

large baskets: Or “provision baskets.” The Greek word sphy·risʹ used here seems to denote a type of basket that is larger than the ones used on an earlier occasion when Jesus fed about 5,000 men. (See study note on Mr 6:43.) The same Greek word is used for the “basket” in which Paul was lowered to the ground through an opening in the wall of Damascus.​—See study note on Ac 9:25.

about 4,000 men: Only Matthew’s parallel account (Mt 15:38) mentions the women and the young children when reporting this miracle. It is possible that the total number of those miraculously fed was over 12,000.

Dalmanutha: This name is not mentioned in other Biblical or non-Biblical sources, but it was preserved in Mark’s Gospel. Though the exact location is uncertain, it seems to have been near the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, since the area is called Magadan in Matthew’s parallel account. (See study note on Mt 15:39.) Dalmanutha may have been another name for Magadan.

sighed deeply: Mark, who frequently records how Jesus felt and reacted (Mr 3:5; 7:34; 9:36; 10:13-16, 21), uses a verb found only here in the Christian Greek Scriptures. This intensive form of a related verb, used at Mr 7:34 (see study note), expresses a strong emotional reaction. This deep sigh may have reflected his exasperation over the Pharisees’ demand for a sign while they stubbornly ignored the evident demonstrations of power that they had already seen.

leaven: Or “yeast.” Often used figuratively in the Bible to denote corruption and sin, “leaven” here refers to corrupt teaching and influence. (Mt 16:6, 11, 12; 1Co 5:6-8) The repetition of the word in this verse suggests that “the leaven” of the Pharisees was different from that of Herod and his party followers, the Herodians. This latter group was more political than religious. An example of their nationalistic “leaven” was the question about the paying of taxes that the two groups used in an attempt to trap Jesus.​—Mr 12:13-15.

Herod: Some ancient manuscripts read “Herodians.”​—See Glossary, “Herod, party followers of.”

baskets: Reporting on the two occasions when Jesus miraculously fed the crowds (see study notes on Mr 6:43; 8:8, 20 and parallel accounts at Mt 14:20; 15:37; 16:9, 10), the accounts consistently distinguish between the types of baskets used for collecting leftovers. When he fed the 5,000 men, the Greek term koʹphi·nos (“basket”) is used; when he fed the 4,000 men, the Greek word sphy·risʹ (“large basket”) is used. This indicates that the writers were present or had received the facts from reliable eyewitnesses.

large baskets: Or “provision baskets.”​—See study notes on Mr 8:8, 19.

a blind man: Mark is the only Gospel writer to record Jesus’ healing of this blind man.​—Mr 8:22-26.

Caesarea Philippi: See study note on Mt 16:13.

John the Baptist: See study notes on Mt 3:1; Mr 1:4.

Elijah: See study note on Mt 11:14.

the Christ: See study note on Mt 16:16.

Son of man: See study note on Mt 8:20.

elders: Lit., “older men.” In the Bible, the Greek term pre·sbyʹte·ros refers primarily to those who hold a position of authority and responsibility in a community or a nation. Although the term sometimes refers to physical age (as at Lu 15:25; Ac 2:17), it is not limited to those who are elderly. Here it refers to the leaders of the Jewish nation, who are often mentioned together with chief priests and scribes. The Sanhedrin was made up of men from these three groups.​—Mr 11:27; 14:43, 53; 15:1; see study note on Mt 16:21 and Glossary, “Elder; Older man.”

chief priests: See study note on Mt 2:4 and Glossary, “Chief priest.”

scribes: See study note on Mt 2:4 and Glossary, “Scribe.”

Get behind me: According to the parallel account at Mt 16:23, Jesus adds: “You are a stumbling block to me.” (See study note on Mt 18:7.) Jesus thus strongly rebuked Peter. Jesus refused to allow anything to hinder him from fulfilling his Father’s will. His words may also have reminded Peter of his proper place as a supportive follower of his Master.

Satan: See study note on Mt 16:23.

come after me: Or, according to some ancient manuscripts, “follow after me.”

let him disown himself: Or “let him give up all right to himself.” This indicates a person’s willingness to deny himself utterly or to relinquish ownership of himself to God. The Greek phrase can be rendered “he must say no to himself,” which is fitting because it may involve saying no to personal desires, ambitions, or convenience. (2Co 5:14, 15) The same Greek verb is used by Mark when describing Peter’s denial of Jesus.​—Mr 14:30, 31, 72.

torture stake: See study note on Mt 16:24.

life: Or “soul.”​—See Glossary, “Soul.”

life: Or “soul.”​—See Glossary, “Soul.”

life: Or “soul.”​—See Glossary, “Soul.”

adulterous: Or “unfaithful.” In a spiritual sense, adultery denotes unfaithfulness to God on the part of those who are joined to him in a covenant. The false religious practices of natural Israel were a violation of the Law covenant, making the Israelites guilty of spiritual adultery. (Jer 3:8, 9; 5:7, 8; 9:2; 13:27; 23:10; Ho 7:4) For similar reasons, Jesus denounced as adulterous the generation of Jews in his day. (Mt 12:39; 16:4) If Christians who are in the new covenant defile themselves with the present system of things, they commit spiritual adultery. In principle, this would be true of all those who are dedicated to Jehovah.​—Jas 4:4.


Coin Made by Herod Antipas
Coin Made by Herod Antipas

These photos show both sides of a copper alloy coin that was minted about the time that Jesus was engaged in his ministry. The coin was commissioned by Herod Antipas, who was tetrarch, or district ruler, of Galilee and Perea. Jesus was likely passing through Herod’s territory of Perea on his way to Jerusalem when the Pharisees told Jesus that Herod wanted to kill him. Jesus responded by calling Herod “that fox.” (See study note on Lu 13:32.) Since most of Herod’s subjects were Jewish, the coins he made depicted such emblems as a palm branch (1) and a wreath (2), images that would not offend the Jews.