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Use the Study Bible

Use the Study Bible

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) contains enhanced study tools, including the following:

  • An introduction to each Bible book, which may include an introductory video

  • An overview, or content summary, of each Bible book

  • Study notes for a verse

  • Footnotes on words or phrases

  • Categorized marginal references

  • Media (images and videos)

  • Appendixes providing maps, charts, and other research material

  • Audio reading of each chapter

  • Verse renderings from other Bible translations

The study edition of the book of Matthew was published in English in October 2015. Additional content is added as the study material for each book is completed.

Learn to use the features of the Study Bible.

 Navigate to a Bible book and chapter

Go to LIBRARY > ONLINE BIBLE and select the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) cover or link text to open the Table of Contents page.

  • A gem icon indicates that additional study content is available for that Bible book.

  • A headphone icon indicates that audio recordings are available for that Bible book.

  • Click the Grid View button to show the Bible books in a compact grid format. This is the default view.

  • Click the List View button to show the Bible books in a vertical list, with the Hebrew-Aramaic and Christian Greek Scriptures in separate columns.

There are also links to additional material, including a glossary, appendixes, and media (images and videos).

Use one of the following methods to open a Bible book and chapter.

Method 1: Select a Bible book from the Table of Contents page. The resulting page includes the list of chapters, an overview of the Bible book, and buttons for these additional features (additional study content may vary according to the selected book):

  • An introduction to the current Bible book, including an introductory video if available.

  • An overview of the current Bible book.

  • The media gallery of the current Bible book, with images and videos related to the Bible book.

Select the chapter you wish to study.

Method 2: Use the navigation drop-down lists at the top of the page to select a Bible book and chapter.

 Use the study tools for a Bible chapter

The text of the chapter is in the Reading pane on the left of the screen, and the Study pane is on the right. On smaller mobile devices, the Study pane is initially hidden, but it slides into view when you tap a verse number, a footnote symbol, or a marginal reference letter.

  • Click a chapter or verse number to show study material associated with it.

  • Click a footnote symbol to see the footnote associated with a word or phrase.

  • Click a marginal reference letter to expand that marginal reference in the Study pane and show the text of the passage.

  • To play the audio for the current chapter, starting from a particular verse, click in the text of the verse, then click the Play button.

  • To play audio from the beginning of the chapter, click the Play button on the audio bar at the top of the page.

  • To pause the audio, click the Pause button on the audio bar at the top of the page.

  • Click the Gems button in the Study pane to show the study notes, footnotes, marginal references, and media for the current chapter. (The Gems tab shows by default when you open a chapter.)

  • Click the Parallel Translations button in the Study pane to show alternate renderings for the current verse.

  • Click the Marginal References button in the Study pane to show a categorized list of all marginal references for the current chapter.

Gems tab

The Gems tab begins with the portion of the Bible book overview that covers the current chapter.

Below the overview, the following may appear for each verse in the current chapter:

  • Study notes: Study material for the verse.

    Click a link to reference material, such as Glossary terms or Appendix articles, to open the article in a dialog box.

  • Media: Images or videos associated with the verse. Click the image or its description to open the Media Gallery.

  • Footnotes: Additional information on words or phrases in the verse.

  • Marginal References: Marginal references linked to words or phrases in the verse. Click the plus sign (+) to expand a reference and see the Scripture text, or click the minus sign (-) to collapse the reference and hide the Scripture text.

In the Reading pane, click a verse number, footnote symbol, or marginal reference letter to bring the associated study material into view in the Study pane.

Parallel Translations tab

The Parallel Translations tab shows renderings of the current verse from different Bible translations. Select a different verse in the Reading pane to see the renderings for that verse.

Marginal References tab

The Marginal References tab shows the marginal references for the current chapter, divided into three categories:

  1. Parallel Account: References to the same event in a different book or chapter.

  2. Quotation: Bible verses that are quoted in the current chapter.

  3. General: These may include other references to the same person or place, use of a similar phrase, a fulfillment of prophecy, or a discussion of a related principle.

In each case, click the plus sign (+) to expand all the marginal references for a verse and show the Scripture text, or click the minus sign (-) to collapse the references and hide the Scripture text.

Check the Highlight All box next to one of the categories to highlight in the Reading pane all the marginal references in that category. This may be useful, for example, if you want to identify the places where a writer of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures.

 See images and videos for a Bible book

The Media Gallery is a collection of images and videos associated with each Bible book. The media items appear in the order in which they are referenced in the book.

Navigate to the Media Gallery in one of the following ways:

  • Click an image in the Study pane.

  • In the Table of Contents page or the navigation drop-down list, select Media Gallery.

The Media Gallery has three parts:

  1. The image or video. Click the Left Arrow or Right Arrow button to see the previous or next media item.

  2. A caption describing the image and listing other scriptures that have a Study pane reference to the same image.

    On smaller mobile devices, tap the Up Arrow button to display the caption over the picture or the Down Arrow button to hide the caption.

  3. A carousel of thumbnail images representing the media items. Click the Left Arrow or Right Arrow button to see more thumbnails. Click a thumbnail to display the corresponding image or video.

If you select an image with a caption, click the Play button to play the audio recording of the caption.

If you select a video, use the video controls to play or pause the video, or to watch it in full-screen mode.

 Use the Bible book overviews, the glossary, or the appendixes

There are two ways to navigate to these reference articles:

  • Click a reference link in the Study pane.

  • Select one of these articles from the Table of Contents page or the navigation drop-down list.

Some appendixes have two ways of presenting the material—as one image (representing the corresponding New World Translation printed page) or as text with separate images.

  • View the article as an image. Click the image to open it in the Image Viewer.

  • View the article as text with separate images. This layout allows you to click Scripture links or other references and see their text in the Study pane.