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Teaching Your Child Perseverance

When you see your child struggling with a difficult task, should you rush in to help? Or can you teach him how to overcome challenges?

How Does God Feel About Your Suffering?

These Bible verses can help you understand how God feels about suffering.

Is Religion Just Another Big Business?

In some churches, most who attend are poor but the preacher is extremely wealthy.

How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

Get tips on how to stop putting things off!

Where Can You Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions?

Do you have questions about life, death, or the future? Meaningful answers to those and many other questions can be found! But where?

People Losing Trust In Politicians—⁠What Does the Bible Say?

The Bible urges us to be cautious about whom we trust and points us to the only trustworthy solution for a better future.

Will Man Ruin the Earth Beyond Repair?

The Bible foretold not only the current destruction of the environment, but also what it would lead to.

How Can I Deal With Depression?

These coping strategies can help you take the necessary steps toward healing.

Did the Bible Predict the Way People Think and Act Today?

The Bible did foretell that people would change for the worse.

What Is Right, and What Is Wrong?

How should you decide? Is there guidance you can trust?


Is Social Media Harming Your Child?

How the Bible can help parents.


How to Be a Good Dad

Make a lasting difference in your child’s life by applying this Bible-based advice.


Why Can’t People Make Peace?​—⁠What Does the Bible Say?

Learn three reasons why people have not been able to end wars.

Is Friendship With God Possible?

Have you ever wanted to ask God: “Who are you? Where are you? Do you care about me?”


Increasing Lawlessness Worldwide

What does the Bible say?


Is Truth Important Anymore?

Does truth even exist? If so, how can you find it?


What Has Happened to Decency?

What does the Bible say?


Spend Quality Time Together

Communication can suffer even when husbands and wives are in the same room. How can couples make the most of their time together?